Friday, October 5, 2007

week what?

Just checked the rss feeds in googlereader for the first time in a week.

Although I had almost immediately deleted most of the subscriptions that I created in last week's tasks, there still seemed to be an awful lot of headlines to wade through; so many that I'm not sure how useful the feeds will be for me.

However, I did notice this item - "How to: Put your feeds on a diet" by Fiona Bradley

I'm not very happy with the way that link appears, although it does work, which is something, so there's a 'thing' to fiddle around with for a while - maybe it has something to do with 'enclosure links' which has mysteriously appeared as an option in the edit site for my blog - off to discover more ...

1 comment:

Scritty said...

Hi - that post jumped straight out at me too and i blogged about it also!
I am trying a firefox google alert thing that groucho marx's dog recommended to me - it pops up with a little message when i have new feeds, so i find that easier to manage,